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When Getting Lonely

Thing Come Up When Getting Lonely At Home , At Street , Every Where ....


Control my TIME

OH my days almost full I can't understand what is happens with me I can't control that, I have many things to do , many things to finish but donno suddenly some one appear and some thing happened and make me busy to the end of the day ...

get up morning
prepare yourself
and start the trip with my mother to Beka3
all the day will spend out there from place to place
:s I wanna cry cause I donno if I will have fun or no hopefully yes


والله مش عارف شو بدي اعمل كل يوم على نفس الموال

لازم فيق الصبح وبطني عم توجعني

ما فيني اكل وبيبقى الوجع هيك شي ساعة او ساعتين

وبعدين فيني اكل وبخف الوجع

وبالليل عادي واحيانا بمرض بترتفع حرارتي

او ابصر شو بصير كل مره شكل

ما في دكتور بيفهم بلبنان


My First Day In GYM

Today was my first day in Gym. I have practiced but did not lift any weights. Despite that I felt all of my muscles aching. I practiced for one and a half hours. And finished my first day of training. Starting from today I should not drink any soda drinks, and on Wednesday I will take my training schedule in the gym and my diet menu. Before I treined there I played pingpong with my neighbor "BOB" I he beeted me because I was not able to move well cause the room was too tiny.


Tripoli trip

i went to tripoli it was great but i felt ill when i arrived but i slept for almost 4 hours and then i weakup and i felt better.
every thing was good there the weather and green every where, its really perfect place.


Metal Gear

metal gear solid 1,2 and now 3 we played all of them and finished them but the last one is very nice in Graphics sound and the secrets in it , we finished it first time and now i'm playing it to finish it for the second time but in the second time i saw thing i didn't saw it before and i think every time i will play it i will see new things i will leave u with pic


I’m graduated now

It was almost amazing day but nothing completed I got up early went to university and then go back to home I lost 100 $ I donno know how but I lost it I search for it but I didn’t find any clue , so I forgot it I get a call from an old person (old not in age :p) I mean some one I met before, I called and ask for meet and we met I was really very happy.
Then I run to home to get dressed for graduation and went early to be ready there we spent 3 hours in one room we cant leave it and then 2 hours on the stage waiting the end of the graduation and after that we went to “ Besat Al re7” there I was expecting I will have fun I will dance I will do every thing but I couldn’t cause I didn’t felt that I’m in mood many things happened I can’t say it by words and maybe I can’t say it also from my mouth cause there are many thing can’t explain in words.
So I just felt so bad all the time there I didn’t do any thing just smoking and eating it was really bad fucking party.

i will leave you with pic



I'm invited to my friend's widding but i will not go cause i'm not in mood , i just dont feel good.
just like a guy when he walk alone aftere he brokeup with his girlfrined.
hehehe just trying to give u hint about the feeling no more,
i donno even what i want what to do just feeling sad.

maybe cause no one be the same again, or maybbe cause i couldn't reach one goal after graduation.


بروفا لحفلة التخرج

اليوم المفروض نتدرب على حفلة التخرج

بقصر الاونسكو قبل الساعة 9:30 الصبح

انا رحت على الساعة 9:00 كنت موجود

نطرنا يمكن شي 45 دقيقة لحتى بدينا

ونطورنا للساعة 1 تقريبا لحتى خلصنا

والنهاية ماستفدنا شي وراح يجيبونا الساعة

اربع على الحفلة

ةالحفلة بتبدا الساعة 7



i would like to thanks WWW.KADMOUS.ORG


أول سعودية تقود طائرة

في الوقت الذي لا يزال فيه الجدل محتدماً حول حق المرأة في قيادة السيارة في المملكة العربية السعودية المحافظة، ستُصبح هنادي هندي قريباً اول سعودية تقود طائرة، تابعة لاسطول الامير الوليد بن طلال. وصرّحت هندي: "سأذهب الى لندن بعد حوالى ثلاثة اسابيع، للالتحاق بدورة تدريبية تستمر ثلاثة اشهر، قبل البدء بعملي كطيار". و كانت هندي تخشى قبل ان تعرض عليها الشركة عقداً مدته عشر سنوات، الا تجد عملاً في بلدها.

واثار قرار الامير الوليد بن طلال التحاق هندي (27 عاماً) بطاقمه الخاص، انتقادات بعض رجال الدين، الذين يعارضون ازالة اي من القيود التي تحرّم المرأة السعودية الاختلاط بالرجال غير الاقارب، وتحرّمها السفر الى الخارج من دون اذن احد اقاربها الرجال. وذكرت هندي ان الشركة وظفت والدها زكريا هندي ايضاً، الذي كان وراء قرارها لتصبح طياراً، كمستشار قانوني. واضافت: "سيرافقني في كلّ رحلاتي كي لا يقول احد انني اسافر دون محرم".


Graduation dress

I went today to university to take the uniform for the graduation and I met some friends there , I took with me the " TAROT " and I read almost for all my friends and they were shocked about my reading cause I told them many thing true , and some of them let me read more and more for them ...

I felt better today still ill but better than before THANK GOD.

God BLESS me :p


I Think i will clear the list

Saturday was the beginning and till today not finish, I don’t feel good at all my stomach hurting me I felt that I’m going to die. I hope every thing pass and finish very soon

You know some thing I realize that I have to change all my friends because no one deserve respect. Even the guys in my family.