Again lost in my life appear,
its just a guy I met him for a while and even my time spent with him in work is too small but he really effect and touch my heart, he was so true and he never fake things.
this guy gives me many things and teach me many things.
and if I come to one moment of truth I would say all this happened in less than 30 minutes while I was going back home and I was drop him near my home.
do I feel sad ? Yes because this guy like an open book , love every one and never hurt any one.
I really wish him good luck and success in his life and wish that one day I met him again.
هناك أشخاص من نراهم لأول مره
يلامسون قلوبنا لنقاوتهم :)
أتمنى لك يوم سعيد ^_^
شكرا اختي على قرائتك للموضوع
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